Las Brumas

15 medium and small-scale producers from Jinotega department.

Jinotega is a well-known coffee department, since more than 40% of the national coffee production comes from this area, and it is where the Las Brumas coffee blend is produced. Jinotega is not only famous for being located between valleys and high hills; it is the department with the largest territorial extension in the country located 140 km from the capital. It has a territory rich in flora, fauna, nature reserves and extensive rivers.

Therefore, due to its humid climate, it is an optimal place for coffee production and agro-tourism. In a unique way, Jinotega is known as “La Cuidad de Las Brumas” or The City of Mists, renowned for its thick mists present at dawn, since it has among its natural beauties the Bosawás Reserve – which is part of the Corridor Biological Mesoamerican, and it is the second most important tropical forest in the American continent, after the Amazon jungle. Las Brumas growers grow traditional varieties such as Caturra, Catuai and Bourbon here among the misty mountains, a common feature for all contributing farms.

Farm Varieties





1,100 – 1,500 MASL

Technical info

November to March

Processing Method

Traditional fully washed process in micro-mills at each farm Naturally fermented in cement tanks for 14-24 hours.


Guaba, Bucaro, Musaseas.

Drying Method

100% shade-dried on raised beds at Beneficio La Concordia