Yolanda Samboni


Before being a coffee producer, Carlos Imbachi worked as a treasure hunter! He used to look for artifacts left by the native indigenous in San Agustin and sold them to collectors.With the money he earned from doing this, he constructed a house in the vereda La Argentina with his beloved wife, Yolanda. In his new house, they both started to grow coffee and other farm products. At first, the coffee was picked, depulped, washed and sold wet. Coffee wasn't profitable for the Imbachi Family. With the money they received for their coffee, they could only pay the workers with nothing left over for them for the family. As the years passed, they started drying the coffee on the farm, but they didn't focus hugely on quality until they met Caravela, more than ten years ago. 

The Caravela team visited his farm and Carlos Imbachi began to change how he thought about coffee. Carlos and Yolanda realized that coffee did have a way of being profitable, but it would involve improving his harvest and post-harvest practices. After years of working hard to improve their processes and experimenting, they have become an exceptional family of specialty coffee producers. They learned that by working with Caravela and producing higher quality coffee they could make more money. Coffee is Yolanda's second passion, because she loves her children and family above all. Yolanda lives with Carlos and their two young sons. Sonia, their oldest daughter is married and lives close to her parent's farm on her own coffee farm, continuing the legacy. Didier, their oldest son chose to take the path of cupping and is currently the Quality Assurance Coordinator at Caravela.

Farm Varieties
Total Farm Area

8 Hectares

Area in Coffee

8 Hectares


San Agustin


1,810 MASL

Technical info

First semester: May - July
Second semester: October - January

Processing Method

Traditionally fully washed and fermented for 18 hours.


Cachingos, guamos, Plantain.

Drying Method

Shade dried in parabolic covered patios.